Jaw Pain and Chiropractic
Not many people know that the jaw is closely related to the neck. As a result, any problems in the neck such as poor posture may also affect the jaw and cause related pains.
Thus, it is important for individuals experiencing jaw or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain to get their posture checked out as well, to more accurately identify any underlying causes of jaw pain. Visiting and receiving treatment from a jaw pain chiropractor may help individuals recover from TMJ pain and related disorders.
What are the Causes of Jaw Pain?
TMJ and jaw pain is often caused by issues to do with the function of the joint. As the TMJ is constantly moving, sliding and under pressure, it is vulnerable to injuries. If one part of the TMJ stops working, problems may arise with other parts of the joint as well.
TMJ and jaw pain may also be related to dysfunction in the cartilage or the small shock-absorbing disc in the jaw. This is because bones are constantly interacting with the TMJ in the jaw anatomy.
Painful TMJ and jaw disorders may be caused by:
- Damaged or misaligned discs
- Damaged cartilage in the joint (as a result of arthritis)
- An injury or impact to the joint
- Myofascial pain
- Excessive teeth grinding
- Occlusal problems such as overbites or underbites
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